Terms and Conditions

Purely Cat Grooming

Many things can change in a cat’s health and they hide illness well. Information provided will be added to your signed consultation sheet showing you agree to these terms.

1. Health Your cat must be deemed as fit and healthy for the grooming session.

2. All vaccinations complete and a veterinary health check has been carried out on your cat in the last 6 months

3. For cats over the age of 12 years this veterinary check must have been completed in the last 3 months. Many things can change in a cat’s health and they hide illness well.

4. Dates of last vet visits will be added to your signed consultation sheet showing you agree to these terms.

5. The person bringing the cat or the owner, whoever signs this form, takes full responsibility for ensuring that the cat is in good health for the grooming session and provide a full medical history on registration.

5a. All allergies and topical medications must be declared for the records please. This is to ensure we provide the best skin care for your cat.

6. All bookings made must be held by a £55 holding fee. On receipt of bank transfer to Purely Cat Grooming, your booking will be confirmed. If your cat is severely matted and requires a lion clip, this holding fee is £95.

7. If this deposit is not received within 48 hours from agreement, this booking will be made available again in the diary for other clients. This is a non-refundable booking holding fee. The holding fee may be moved to a change of date if adjusted within 48 hours of said booking.

8. If a session is stopped and incomplete due to cat’s behaviour or health needs, this booking holding fee will not be returned. This is because we have dedicated the booking specifically for your cat and no one else can take that slot. We will still need to sanitise and clean the salon, shower ourselves, change clothes, wash and sterilize equipment and use fresh PPE.

9. If you wish to cancel an appointment, you must telephone at least 48 hours in advance.

10. Emails/texts will not be considered as cancellations as errors can occur in delivery.

11. Your booking holding fee is non-refundable.

12. You may rearrange your appointment and your booking holding fee will go against a new appointment if arranged up to 48 hours before original booking.

13. Matts in the cat’s coat Purely Cat Grooming is not liable for the skin condition under the matt or any veterinary intervention required to treat it.

14. Matting takes weeks or months to develop, and fleas can nest under the mats which can lead to skin conditions which will need treatment from a veterinary professional.

15. A de-matting/shaving policy is in place.

16. Whilst every care is taken when shaving a cat’s fur, there is the risk of skin nicks, particularly in elderly cats, with thin papery folds of skin.

17. Cats over 15 years of age must be seen by your vet for shaving.

18. De-matting and detangling matted hair will cause changes to the appearance of your cat and its coat.

19. There is an additional charge applicable for removing larger matts or larger areas of matting with shaving.

20. As the owner/responsible person, you agree to this charge.

21. This work will be close to the skin and expose pre-existing skin conditions beneath the matting to which you the owner take responsibility to seek veterinary treatment immediately at your own cost for any such conditions.

22. Purely Cat Grooming does not take responsibility for what may or may not be beneath the matting. As the owner you agree that you understand this.

23. Severity of Matts Matting and Pelting can vary greatly and will incur a charge applicable to the level of matting. This will be discussed at the initial assessment.

25. Occasionally, during the groom matts may be more severe than expected. You as the owner accept this as it is hard to clarify the severity on external inspection of the coat and matting can be often be hidden, especially in triple coated or wooly coated cats.

26. Matting that is very close to the skin is slow and patient work to remove safely.

27. You will be charged based upon the time and skill needed to safely remove the pelting or matting.

28. You as the owner agree to pay all said charges on collection of your cat.

29. Challenging Behaviour. If I see a rise in challenging or aggressive behaviour during the groom that puts risks to the cat’s health or the groomers health, the groom will be stopped immediately, even in the event that the grooming is incomplete.

30. This will include shaving work that is incomplete. You the owner will be notified immediately and asked to collect your cat.

31. There will be a minimum charge of 50% of the agreed charge.

32. If there is a low to moderate level of challenging behaviour that does not risk the health of the cat or the groomer, there may be an additional charge added if the groom takes longer than discussed in the assessment. You will be notified of a delayed pick up time if such a situation occurs.

33. Heart and other Health Conditions. Heart conditions or heart murmurs, hyperthyroidism and other serious health conditions of your cat must be declared at the beginning, before any groom takes place with a written letter from your veterinary surgeon declaring that the cat is fit for grooming sessions.

34. Increased stress or heart rate can affect these conditions and this could occur on travel to the cat clinic even before grooming treatment has begun.

35. Hyperthyroidism effects skin and coat conditions.

36. Senior Cats and Known Heart Conditions, Cats over 12 years old and cats with heart conditions cannot be bathed. If you wish your senior cat to be bathed and he or she is in good health, you MUST get written authorisation from your veterinary surgeon for any bath to proceed.

37. Only a dry grooming session is available to senior or frail cats unless written clearance for the grooming procedure from the veterinary surgeon must be received first.

38. Stress and Anxiety. Grooming sessions will be stopped immediately if the cat becomes highly anxious, displays panting or appears very unhappy. Great care is taken to monitor all cats in our care and we want to ensure every cat has the best experience possible, so that grooming becomes a pleasure rather than a stress for your cat.

39. If the cat is only half groomed, the client accepts that the cat will be sent home regardless, as each cat’s welfare and health is the top priority.

40. The client will be phoned immediately and asked to collect their cat. The fee will be charged will be at 50% of the agreed charge.

41. Discomfort and wriggly Cats. If a cat really becomes too uncomfortable or is moving so much that this presents a risk of cutting skin, the grooming session will stop.

42. This includes leaving any unfinished shaving work.

43. The safety of your cat is top priority. The minimum charge in these circumstances is a 50% of the agreed charge.

44. 9. Muzzles. A veterinary Air Muzzle is used in circumstances where the risk of the groomer being bitten is high. Cat bites contain high levels of bacteria. Such a muzzle is very safe and allows full visual checking of the cat’s breathing and monitoring of anxiety levels.

45. All cats are required to have their claws trimmed for the safety of the groomer.

46. If you do not wish for your cat to have trimmed claws. I will be unable to perform a grooming session for your cat.

47. In the event of injury or any health concerns for your cat, you authorise me to call your vet or another vet as necessary.

48. The owner is responsible for all costs that may occur as a result of point 47.

49. If your cat shows any health concern signs, the groom will be stopped and you the owner will be called immediately.

50. If I am unable to contact you, I will call the number you list as your emergency number. This may cause a groom to be incomplete, including any shaving work that I am unable to continue or complete.

51. Biosecurity. I clean in-between every cat with professional grooming antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal disinfectant.

52. Tools are cleaned and disinfected between every use.

53. FULL PPE and a clean uniform is worn between each cat to protect against cross infection

54. Contagious Diseases. I cannot groom a cat with cat flu or other infectious disease until declared healthy enough by their vet.

55. Feline Aids and Feline Leukaemia. I DO NOT groom cats with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) infectious diseases.

56. Payment will be made in its entirety including any additional costs mentioned above by bank transfer facility. All cats grooming sessions must be paid in full on or before collection.

57. Any holding fees will be taken off the total cost of the groom.

58. All cats must be collected at the agreed collection time.

Agreement to these Terms and Conditions

59. I have read and understood the terms and conditions for grooming cats at Purely Cat Grooming and agree to the grooming session proceeding according to these terms:

Please download a copy of the terms and conditions form to print your name, date and sign for your next booking.